
Tyrants & Hellions: A Book of Villains for 5th Edition

Created by 2CGaming

Stories need villains. Tyrants & Hellions delivers. Make your game an experience your friends will never forget.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

T&H Shipped!
about 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:43:05 AM

Another brief update here, announcing the final steps to this Kickstarter - the delivery of physical copies of Tyrants & Hellions!

We've completed placement of the orders - a few days later than originally planned, but the books are coming (both domestically and internationally). Expect their delivery around the end of November (though some may come sooner).

If you have not received your copy by December 7th, 2018 - please reach out.

Thank You

As always, our sincere thanks for your continued support through the development of this project. Despite its delays, we are extremely pleased with the finished product, and we hope you'll feel similarly!


The 2CGaming Team

Standard Copies Shipping Update
over 6 years ago – Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 02:42:08 AM

This update will be brief and to the point. We're slightly reformatting the non-Deluxe copies of Tyrants & Hellions to increase the density of text, and thus reduce the page count - content will all be the same. This dramatically decreases print costs and makes the book lighter and slimmer, so shipping is easier. Deluxe copies will remain "extra thick" for maximum shelf show-off potential.

This means our full print run has a start date: October 15th and you can expect your books to arrive in early November!

Thank you for your patience as we've figured out this new shipping method. The end result is a slick, efficient process that saves time and money, and we can use it in all our projects going forward.

Shipping Begins!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 05:58:15 PM

Good news! We got the revised proof copies back from the printer, they look amazing, so the print run has begun! We're shipping the Deluxe copies first, expect those to be on their way by this Friday. 

Stacks on stacks of books!
Stacks on stacks of books!

Once the deluxe copies are underway, we'll begin shipping the rest via Amazon, starting in the Americas. This is our first time using this shipping method, and it's the reason shipping prices are so low for this project. We want to go through the entire process in the Americas first, so if anything does go wrong we'll be able to step in and fix whatever problems arise. Once we've done that, then we'll start international shipping. Thank you so much for your patience with this part of the process, especially international backers. The work we're doing here will help up ship all future projects with minimal hassle and maximum savings for you.

Backers in the Americas can expect their copy to arrive by mid-September.

International backers should have their copies by mid-October.

What's Next?

With this project wrapping up, exciting things are on the horizon! 

Now on Kickstarter!
Now on Kickstarter!

The Total Party Kill Handbook Volume 2 is currently on Kickstarter and has already reached its funding goal plus four stretch goals. At the pace it's going, it might be five by the time you get this email.

You can check that out here if you haven't already: The Total Party Kill Handbook Volume 2

More projects are always coming down the pipeline, if you aren't signed up for our newsletter yet that's the best way to stay informed. Head over to and sign up to get the latest shenanigans delivered directly to your inbox.

That's it from me, thank you again for supporting this project all the way to the finish line! I hope you're enjoying your PDF copies and have many memorable moments of villainy in your games.

Steven Gordon - 2CGaming Team

Tyrants & Hellions Digital Release (PDF)
over 6 years ago – Sun, Jul 01, 2018 at 10:57:47 PM

It's Here

The title says it all. Tyrants & Hellions is complete and ready to download through Backerkit:

What's Next? Printing & Shipping!

We're working on shipping the print copies for everyone. It's going to be a little bit of a process, as this is the first time we've done international printing + shipping (which allowed the low international rate for the Kickstarter & Pre-Orders).

Expect two weeks for us to get through print proofs and review there, then we'll start the shipping process to the US, where we have a *little* more control over any issues with the process.

After this, and barring any unforeseen issues, we'll be shipping out the print orders for all international locations in August.

Backerkit Closure

We're going to keep Backerkit open through the end of August, at which point we'll close for pre-orders, the digital links will expire, and we'll move Tyrants & Hellions to After this date, please reach out to us via Kickstarter message and we'll send you PDF copies as requested.

Update Schedule

With the book's completion, we're moving away from the "Monthly Update" schedule, instead planning to provide substantive updates around notable events (such as "shipping in X country started").

That's all for now, folks! Expect our next update to involve shipping to US locations. Thank you again for the continued support and patience with the delayed delivery.


The 2CGaming Team

Xunn, the Unending Heralds the Arrival of Tyrants & Hellions
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 02, 2018 at 06:03:34 PM

Thank you to everyone for your continued patience. We are almost finished.

  • Writing - 100%
  • Editing/Review - 100%
  • Sketches & Illustrations - 100%
  • Formatting - 100%

The book is clocking in at 401 pages! The heftiest tome we've yet had the opportunity to create. Thank you again for all the support and interest!

The two elements that we're wrapping up before we can release the finished version are Proofreading and Encounter Map creation. We're expecting these to take no more than two weeks in total, which means a mid-June release of the PDF, followed by printing and shipping the physical copies. We'll keep you posted on light updates via comments, and major ones via Kickstarter updates.

In the meantime, we're happy to showcase one of our Archvillains, Xunn the Unending. This aboleth baddie is a severe threat to both parties of 11th to 16th level and the structure of the material plane itself! You should find the downloads made available through Backerkit:

As always, we appreciate comments, questions, and concerns. Please let us know.


Jon Kelly - The 2CGaming Team